Monday, July 6, 2015

Everything's Rosy ♥

 I always thought that lilies were my favourite flower, but these days I've been so obsessed with taking pictures of pretty roses I see when out or about in gardens that I'm starting to think I may have a new winner for my floral affections. I was in a garden over the weekend which had masses of different varieties of rose, there were so many beautiful colours to look at and funnily enough, the colour palette of them all actually reminded me of the Disney princess dresses - can you guess which rose goes with each princess?

I wasn't the only one loving the roses, a beautiful butterfly lay on a pale peach coloured rose for ages, it just didn't want to move, I even had time to go back to my car and get my camera to capture it. What's sad to see is rose buds with decaying leaves already, I have no idea what causes this but I'm guessing the pitiful summer we've been having here in Ireland hasn't helped matters. It's sad to see something so beautiful die away before it's had a chance to blossom.

A song I was reminded of was My Favourites Things from The Sound of Music as most of the roses has raindrops on them... "raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favourite things..."



  1. Those pictures are so amazing! I love all the color in them, and I've always loved roses. Beautiful.

  2. Roses are just so beautiful! They do sort of look like Disney dresses :) Their smell is my favorite too!

  3. Absolutely beautiful! I love looking at the flowers that are growing around here - both the cultivated ones and the wild ones. I have a black thumb, so I don't even bother trying to grow them on my own. But that just makes me appreciate them all the more!

  4. The flowers are all beautiful. Don't you just love spring and summer for that? I also liked your reference to The Sound of Music and My Favorite Things. That's a great song.

  5. Roses are just beautiful and smell heavenly! I love all flowers, but roses have a special place in my heart.

  6. Roses are one of my favorite flowers. They are extremely beautiful, come in a variety of colors, and have thorns for protection.

  7. Truly beautiful photographs of beautiful flowers. I especially loved your reference to one of my favorite musicals of all time, The Sound Of Music.

  8. Flowers are the silver lining of the heat during this time of year. There's nothing better than seeing gorgeous florals everywhere we go.

  9. Your pictures are amazing and the roses are gorgeous. Someday, I am going to have a garden full of roses.

  10. Roses are very gorgeous flowers. And your pictures are amazing. I especially love yellow roses.

  11. Roses are so beautiful and elegant. I never get tired of looking at them but I love looking at daisies too.

  12. I do not have a green thumb, and on the rare occasion that something grows, my dogs are very helpful in maintaining its growth! Your photos are so amazing!

  13. Beautiful photos! My MIL loves planting so she has tons of flowers, I absolutely love sitting in her backyard. It's so peaceful.

  14. These roses are beautiful. My mother in law would be so jealous if she saw this right now. Lol

  15. The roses are beautiful. I really should plant a few rose bushes. I want to rip out some of the ugly plants in my flower bed one day and swap them for roses. My mom had rose bushes in our yard growing up and I would go pick them. Then put them in a vase on the table. Ah the memories. Thank you for the gentle reminder to stop and smell the roses.

  16. Aww, I love that song from the Sound of Music too. :) And I love roses as well, but I don't have any in my flower gardens because they're all shady. I think roses need full sun. Love your photos! So pretty!

  17. What lovely photos. Such beautiful colors captured. I love taking all the beautiful in when outside! - Jeanine

  18. These are such gorgeous photos! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  19. So pretty and so cheerful. My MIL is a flower-a-holic. She has a small home on an small piece of property in town and every inch that she can cover in flowers, she does. Kiddo is a big helper in the garden department.

  20. These are totally amazing pictures of the roses indeed. I totally love the peach and yellow roses just because they are different from the usual red and pink ones. Thanks so much for sharing.

  21. These are amazing shots, everything is so vibrant and clear. One day I would love to have a garden full of beautiful flowers.

  22. I am a huge fan of roses, these are all gorgeous! I have a yellpw and pink and I would love to add more.

  23. Beautiful images, I love the one of the rose and the butterfly. I adore photography but I don't exactly have the skill.

  24. Wow! These pictures are beautiful. Whose garden is this? I wonder how many hours/day it takes to maintain it?

  25. How lovely are those flowers? I wish that I could capture florals as well as you have here!

  26. A neighbor of mine has a climbing pink rose vine that is just loaded with flowers, the whole neighborhood gets to partake in them (with her guidance), they make such a wonderful touch inside the home too! I just love them!

  27. There photos are gorgeous! I love rose's, I love how there are so many different variations and colors.

  28. I would love to see these blooms up close and personal! I love butterflies and try to photograph them when I Can.

  29. How beautiful! These shots are so crisp and clear that it almost feels like I am there. I have always loved flowers, but roses are one of my absolute favorites!

  30. Those roses are beautiful! I also love the sound of music and have posted a few of my "favorite things" posts. Great post!

  31. Wow those flowers are beautiful! I am always a fan of roses, they have always been my favorite. I just hate that they die so fast lol!

  32. So many gorgeous flowers. I used to love when we had roses in our yard.

  33. I absolutely adore roses. These are such lovely pictures - I need to dust my camera off and take some of my rose bushes.

  34. I love this post and it brightened my day! I swear once I saw all of your roses, then closed my eyes, I smelled roses right away! My favorite roses are baby pink ones and love when roses come up in our garden multi colored and we have done nothing to hybrid them!


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